Our services

How can we help you?

At Mackenzie, we are dedicated to delivering expert leasing services that empower businesses to flourish. With a deep understanding of your unique needs and aspirations, we offer tailored solutions that drive growth and success.

Lease Consulting

Mackenzie will provide unbiased consulting on the best way to structure your lease. We will secure the best deal for you, and will not be concerned with the profitability of the funders. Mackenzie will conduct a detailed analysis on the pros and cons for each of the funder’s quotes.

Once we have selected the funder, Mackenzie will help you negotiate favourable terms and conditions, such as end of lease buyout caps, extension caps, end of lease notice, transport services, packaging, benchmarking the rate, etc.

If your company needs to issue an RFP for equipment leasing, Mackenzie can help ensure you ask all the relevant questions.  Furthermore, Mackenzie is willing to help review those RFP responses and help negotiate for additional terms & conditions

Operating Lease

With an operating lease, the lessor invests a residual value into the lease, which offsets the costs of financing. The lessor recovers this residual value by reselling the returned equipment, the lessee purchasing the equipment at end of lease, or the lessee extending the lease. Due to this residual value investment, the lessee will typically pay back less than the cost of the equipment. Clients also use operating leases because they want to use current equipment, avoid equipment obsolescence, or minimize their total costs of ownership by replacing their equipment on a prescribed basis through an operating lease. At the end of an operating lease, our clients can return the equipment, purchase the equipment, or extend the lease at a reduced amount.

For select clients and transaction types, operating leases can still be booked off balance sheet as a rent expense. As such, these clients do not record the leased equipment or the associated liability on their balance sheet. Instead, these clients recognize an expense when a lease payment is paid or payable. With these operating leases, these clients have off-balance-sheet financing, in which the working-capital ratio, the return-on-assets ratio, and the debt-to-equity ratio are all improved.

Capital Leases

With a capital lease, ownership automatically transfers to the lessee at end of lease. These clients record the leased equipment or the associated liability on their balance sheet as debt.

Sale & Leaseback

Leasing can apply to new equipment or currently owned equipment. In respect of equipment that is already owned at the time of financing, a sale and leaseback model is utilized whereby the lessor purchases the equipment from the lessee, and then leases it back to the lessee.

Managed Service Lease

A managed service lease is when the equipment leasing is bundled into the service level agreement of the vendor. These types of leases are also referred to as a “device as a service”, or “utility lease”.

Book a free consultation today!